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Personalised Pop Art and Oxfam

January 4, 2011

Logo by Personalised Pop Art

For the 3rd year running PPA’s creative director – David Storey – has been invited by Oxjam to create the symbol and graphics to promote their annual music festival in Leighton Linslade.

Oxjam is Oxfam’s music festival with a difference. Each year hundreds of music-lovers get involved, all across the UK, to raise money for Oxfam by holding their own events. Proceeds go to tackling poverty all over the world – helping people to earn a living; get an education; gain better access to health care and fresh water; and to grow more food.
The festival itself will showcase a rich mix of musical styles, from rock and Indie bands, through folk, brass and concert bands to choirs and classica.
This year’s highlight is likely to be the Oxjam Jazz Club featuring six of the country’s top jazz musicians, including Claire Martin the International award-winning jazz vocalist.
For further information about Oxjam and these, and other, events please visit:
To commission your own contemporary artwork from Personalised Pop Art please visit us at:

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